Kindergarten Section

In our three Pre-Primary School classes, children complete tasks in the broad areas of Languages and number work at developmentally appropriate stages. They also participate in non-academic subjects such as Physical Education, Art, Music & Religious Education. Three and four year olds learn as they draw with big crayons, as they build puzzles or play in the compound.
Experienced and well qualified teachers plan lessons which provide the children with opportunities to develop their strengths to their full potential and give a solid grounding in the core areas necessary for the next step of school life. Mother Danila School depicts the sounds of happy learning, whether it is in the classrooms, or in the play fields.
Learning takes place in many places and in many different ways.
Our Journey
The Orsoline sisters of the Immaculate Virgin Mary came to Kenya in 1989 and opened a community in Adams Arcade, Nairobi. In 1993 we opened another community in King’eero. Immediately we opened a dress making school and in 1995 a health centre called St. Angela Merici. In 2006 we opened the Kindergarten, which was named Mother Danila. Mother Danila was one of our sisters from Italy who had served as a superior in Eritrea for many years. During her mandate as a superior the Eritrean sisters celebrated 50 years of their presence in the country and as a thanksgiving to God, they decided to open a new mission in Kenya.
When Mother Danila finished her term as a superior in Eritrea in 1993, she came to Kenya and joined the community in Nairobi. Unfortunately, in December 1995 she had a fatal road accident and lost her life. When we opened the Kindergarten in 2006 we named it after her in her honour. In 2015, we opened a primary school as a continuation of the kindergarten. So far we run a Kindergarten, a primary school and a health centre. The health centre and the kindergarten are in the same compound at King’eero while the primary school is in a neighbouring village called Mararo.